Ideas That Resonate

A few days I posted an article on the blog called, Connection In A Digital Age. In that essay, I shared about a few people that have had an impact on me. I’ve been thinking about connection a lot. I’ve been thinking about resonance a lot. When you commit...

Persevere: Launching Your Online Business Journey

There are thousands of people making a living on the internet. It’s not a fad or a recent development. While the pandemic brought new awareness to learning cohorts, video calls, and remote work, online marketing is not a recent development. Prior to quiet...

Unleashing My Potential: A Case Study.

I remember it like it was yesterday. My dad bought me a computer. I was 8 or 9 and it was one of those old Tandy TRS-80’s. It came with a game called Megabug which drove my mom nuts. I thought it was the greatest thing. One of the things I loved about the...

Time Management Gone Wrong

“Jeremy, your eyes are bigger than your stomach.” My dad laughed as he sat across from me in the restaurant. We had been traveling all day, and I was very hungry. I wanted to order many things on the menu because they all looked good. But my dad said I...

Personal Growth: 5 Key Benefits

It’s been said that readers are leaders and I want to be the best leader I can be for my family, organization, and community. When I was 15, I bought Tony Robbins’ audio tape, Awaken the Giant Within. But it wasn’t until 20 years later, when I heard Jim Rohn’s...

Seven Benefits of Reading Books

Learn More: Books teach much about different subjects, cultures, and ideas. Reading helps you learn new things and become a smarter person. Exercise Your Brain: Reading is like a workout for your mind. It strengthens your brain by improving your thinking, speaking,...