About Jeremy

Welcome to JeremyGinn.com! I’m happy you’re here. I’ve been a leader in my job for 20 years and really enjoy helping others do well. I have won many awards, like being President Elite three times in the last five years.

One of the best things was winning a trip to New York City with my wife. We saw The Lion King on Broadway and visited famous places like Central Park and Rockefeller Center.

So why did I make this website? Well, I read lots of books about sales, marketing, leadership, and personal growth. Many say it’s good to have more than one way to make money. So that’s what I want this site to be – a place where we can learn together how to start an online business or become better leaders.

I also talk about something called the 8F formula: faith, family, fashion, fellowship (spending time with friends), finance (money), fitness (exercise), focus (paying attention), and friendship.

My amazing wife Jennifer has been married for 20 years now. We have four children who keep us busy but are our biggest blessing ever!

I hope we can share stories with each other as we grow together on this journey towards success!

Best wishes,